Advent is Christ’s church. We proclaim Christ as Lord and Savior and believe salvation is a gift from God. In the waters of baptism we are claimed by God and marked with the cross of Christ forever. His amazing grace and steadfast love surround us, bringing us forgiveness, healing and great joy in living life. Come live in this relationship with Jesus at Advent Lutheran Church.  
Facebook live and Zoom are also options.For instructions on how to join click on:
A recording of the service is available on Facebook and YouTube after the service on Sunday. Click on the MEDIA/Sermons page to view. 
Covid precautions:
Social distancing and hand sanitizing are encouraged.
Special Announcement:
We sadly say a fond farewell to our wonderful office administrator, Fran Zanis. Fran fulfilled her responsibilities as office administrator with a true sense of calling and a passion for doing God’s works.  This was shown through how she showered everyone who entered the church during the week with a glowing smile and genuine care in her eyes. We wish her the best of luck in her retirement. Fran will be sorely missed!