How Do I Meet People?
Advent has many opportunities to get involved in the many ministries of the church. There are other areas where you are needed and can team up with others having the same interests as you.
Bible Study
We have two opportunities each week to study the Bible. One is on Sunday morning after Worship. The other is on Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm via Zoom.
Congregational Life Committee
Sponsors social activities during the year, including the popular progressive dinner and wine-tasting gathering.
Evangelism Committee
Involves members in publicizing the church and its activities and sharing the Good News with others.
Property Committee
Looks after the church property, mowing the lawn, doing repairs, planting flowers, maintaining gardens, and helping with seasonal clean-up days.
Stitch Club
Meets on Saturday mornings to knit and crochet items for their families and to help others in need, while enjoying fellowship.
Men’s Group
Meets the 2nd Saturday morning of the month for breakfast and fellowship.
Prayer Chain
Prays regularly for requested and identified needs of members, their families, friends, our community, nation and the world.